15 Recent Ads That Glorify Sexual Violence Against Women

Posted by NãoSouEuéaOutra | Posted in , , , | Posted on 02:25

A Violência está toda escamoteada, escondida, adulterada através do belo... dos corpos, das roupas, dos acessórios, dos alimentos, dos carros... todo o mundo, perde os sentidos quando olha para este tipo de fotografias e deixa-se levar pela suposta ''arte'' do bem vestir, da sedução fantasiosa dos cenários. Enquanto que, na Sombra, aí no seu inconsciente e que come mais do que os seus sentidos imediatos e delirantes,  ele - subconsciente - vai absorver tudo como uma sanguessuga e em três tempos, você segue esse ''guru gráfico/fotográfico/cinematográfico'' e, logo logo logo irá até defender tudo como Natural!! Veja só, a violência é natural e aceitável.

Já reparou o perigo?
O perigo em que você está metida?

Repare, porque é que é sempre a Mulher o Balde do Lixo? Porque está ela sempre nessa posição submissa, suja (bem vestida e até maquilhada)? OLHE BEM, VEJA BEM a ideia preliminar, subliminar subjacente a estas imagens, o que, e do que é que elas realmente falam? O que é que elas estão tentando fazer com você?

By Dominic Green

One out of every six women in the US has been the victim of a sexual assault. Elsewhere in the world, the statistics are even more appalling.

Yet advertisers often make light of sexual violence towards women. They disguise it as innuendo, humour, or artistic expression, and hope the shock factor will work promotional magic for their product.

Back in the Mad Men era it was unsurprising to see women treated poorly in ads.

But we’ve found some modern day promotions that glorify sexual violence. Some of the brands are repeat offenders; some are merely one-time gaffes.

Often, clients and agencies defend them as “edgy” fantasy scenarios.

Fair enough. But there sure are a lot of them. And so few involving violence against men …

The context: This is a famously bad old ad from the 1960s. Surely, nothing like this would be approved for paid media today?

This one is a bit more subtle. It's not clear whether this couple knows each other, or whether the woman is in for an unpleasant surprise.

This ad from suit maker Duncan Quinn leaves us scratching our heads, but its sexual and violent tones are less than subtle.

Belvedere double-failed when it stole this still from a comedy video on YouTube and added some offensive text. The company apologized and made a donation to a women's charity.

Italian fashion company Relish was slammed for this ad, which pictures Rio de Janeiro police officers groping two models. The ads were run on billboards in Italy.

This ludicrous ad by JWT India was never officially Ford-approved, but it made enough headlines to ensure its infamy.

We're not sure what McDonald's higher-ups were thinking when they approved this ad, which imitates rape hotline advertisements to promote the Big Mac.

A seductive gaze, impossibly high heels, and a naked female body hanging from the ceiling in pieces make this the most disturbing image of them all.

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Comments (1)

  1. Eu tenho nojo de assistir filmes pornôs justamente por isso que você disse, da mulher sempre estar numa "posição submissa". Argh!

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